Thursday, January 19, 2012



can you believe it's friday again...

where is this year going!


linkin up with life rearranged




Week 1-13-12




1. I have these funny little spurts of grass in my lawn

2. a bit cold for shorts, I will still rock them

3. purchased, hello kitty

4. sample of table numbers for an upcoming wedding

5. can you believe these letters were grouped together, total photo opp.

{they are my initials}

6. a cool but beautiful day at the beach!

7. gorgeous

8. pink chairs=love!

9. lunch at the habit



3 weeks down, 49 to go


but who's counting!


are you linkin up today?


1 comment:

  1. Love all the Hello Kitty stuff, and yes, I surely did link up to InstaFriday! Check back to my blog to see. :)
