Thursday, December 13, 2012

12 on 12: the photos


I did it!

I took 12 on12!




1. Breakfast @ Starbucks-our everyday routine

2. Temperature here today

3. Postmark on 12-12-12

4. Us @ 12:12 on 12-12-12

5. Prepping December daily pages with my Cameo

6. Chili Cheese Fries on a cold misty day

7. Christmas cards came today

8. A photo of my Calendar

9. By basket of DD goodies

10. My new Santa

11. Someone peeking out at me

12. Me on 12-12-12


yes you may see some of these photos in instafriday tomorrow

but then again, I still have all day today to take photos



 PS the giveaway is still open for the Santa Baby Kit

just tell me what your favorite Christmas song is on theis post


I will announce the winner on Friday!


this template that I used here is a freebie from Simple Scrapper


Premium Membership at Simple Scrapper provides skills and shortcuts

to help you
simplify and find more meaning in your memory keeping."

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are so fun! A great day! I especially love someone peeking out at me, too. How sweet!
